Coming back from a mission trip is always rewarding and memorable. Words cannot express the new joy you experienced, that positively affected your life in an unexpected way: touching the hearts of many, and having your heart touched in return.
As one of our volunteers stated, “It gave me the satisfaction of playing a role in someone else's life: by helping people who may not be able to help themselves. Volunteering is a way of giving back to a community, while developing important social skills and gaining valuable work experience all at the same time.”
You will treasure this time in your life always, and ask yourself - when will I return? Will I be able to return? How can I continue to help the people I met?
After one week, your mission journey came to an end. Now there is a curious calmness in your heart - that is suddenly interrupted by the news of an unforeseen event. The coronavirus pandemic, spreading across the globe, as it never has before in living memory. This pandemic is a new enemy, and is affecting everyone in our world - including Colombia.
You thank Christ for His ever-reliable presence that all times. As the Master Planner, He blessed the chosen time of the mission trip, the purpose of the mission trip, and the accomplishment of the mission. How so? The mission volunteers returned to the United States only a few days before the first coronavirus cases were discovered, and national quarantine in Colombia began. He provided the team with traveling mercies , so we could all get back home safely, before country border shut down. We truly serve an amazing God!

undación Formavida will strive to seek ways of aiding the community of Santa Cecilia during this pandemic. Pastora Lucy is grateful for the volunteers and donors who continue to be called to serve and share their love to help others.
Words from Pastora Lucy (Pictured, center) “We are united in a single goal: to bring love to those most in need. We are organizing nutritional food packages for our children and each family. Through the volunteers, we are not only filling stomachs, but filling people with love and courage. We are very grateful, because our joint efforts at all levels continue transforming lives.”
The words of Bishop Kenneth Morris ring in my ear: WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT….
Though the building of the recreation center and the school in Colombia has come to a halt, the love of Christ continues and is never ending. As a community of hope, Santa Cecilia knows that sharing the love of Christ with others is of critical importance. With this love, we have faith in the continued generosity of others from around the world, so that the children and families of Santia Cecilia can be fed and cared for.
Santa Cecilia is a community of hope. We see Christ as an anchor for a better future.
Forming Lives is truly appreciative to each donor, volunteer, and participant who has helped to make this dream a reality.
If you desire to donate, please visit our website at
With Gratitude and Christ's Love,
Angie Hanlon-Toth