I would like to start this article by saying that God always does things with a purpose, and he showed me other opportunities that I was truly not expecting. The first time I met Angie Toth, she mentioned this mission trip to Colombia: a beautiful country full of culture, food cuisine and landscapes. She expressed herself with much love and enthusiasm, and there in that meeting, God began to work in my heart.

Let me tell you, I had different thoughts and feelings about what God was planning for me in Colombia. I mean, my heart and mind were truly focused on the children and working on the construction project. I was prepared to be involved in these two subjects; these were my expectations, and of course to spread the gospel.
However, something curious happened in when we arrived at Fundación Formavida, God gave us the opportunity to meet many young people between the ages of 14 and 25, young people who have had a very painful life, a life that adults had not experienced. These young people serve God, and were passionate about being in his presence. Yet, when they began to opened their hearts, I realized that they were wounded warriors that they still had scars that had to be healed. In their eyes, I began to see the pain and sadness, but nothing stops them from serving God.
They are dedicated young people who study, work and serve God. I realized that my life situations were nothing compared to them. I understood that God works with everyone in different ways, and I understood that I had to be more grateful for what I had because there are other people who are going through more difficult processes, but nevertheless serve God with all their hearts.
I can say only one thing about my experience when I arrived in Colombia and my experience when I left the country.
I left Colombia, but that beautiful country did not leave me.
I bless all the people of Colombia, beautiful land, blessed and successful. God has something for that country, true worshipers will arise from Colombia who will demonstrate the glory of God in the midst all circumstances.